Chufty Badge (tʃʌftɪ bæʤ) (n): A badge of honour to award for something insignificant
Here at Northern Power Garms we want to change this. We’ve only gone and collaborated with yet another fantastic northern business, @ladyandthelaserbeam, to make the insignificant significant again.
“So what do you want? A chufty badge or sommat?”
YES. That’s exactly what we want. Shiny, gold chufties.
Let’s celebrate the insignificant!
Been for a good walk? Chufty.
Made an absolutely bangin’ Sunday Roast? Chufty.
Got out of bed before noon? Well chufty!
Join us in celebrating everything, from small victories, to walloping great big ones. Go on, you deserve it! Metallic gold logo on tees available in white or black, , and babies vests in white or black.
Our garms are made to order so you can expect around two weeks for dispatch